When I first started trying for my first baby, I had been on bc since I was 14 y/o. So I didn’t know anything else. As a teenager, you figure whatever is helping regulate your cycle will likely be with you for the rest of your life. But fast forward almost 20 years, and here I am living life without it. And here’s why:

The hormones that are used in birth control pills don’t allow your body to feel the hormones your body wants to naturally produce.

I’ve always been an advocate for birth control. Even as a Catholic, I have always believed in free birth control for women. When I was younger I used to utilize places like Planned Parenthood in times of “emergency” if I had run out - so I KNOW that birth control can be free. We pay taxes so that it’s free, or basically free.

When I had my baby, I thought, well sure I’ll go back on birth control. But I didn’t, because just days of taking it again, my emotions threw me for a loop. I think it’s important for people to acknowledge that sometimes the thing that has helped you in the past, perhaps isn’t going to help you now. One size does not fit all, and not forever. Things change, bodies change, medications change, etc.

read more about benefits and risks here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK235069/ 


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